Latest News

April 3, 2023

EverTrust and CryptoNext Security announce strategic partnership to deliver post-quantum PKI and CLM solution

Trusted digital solutions such as PKI and CLM are key applications infrastructures that need to be prepared for Post Quantum operational readiness. EverTrust and CryptoNext Security join forces to deliver leading PQ ready CLM/PKI digital trust solutions to enable this strategic transition...

March 9, 2023

CryptoNext Security and Quandela announce business partnership to offer an integrated security solution

CryptoNext Security and Quandela join forces to offer an integrated solution that will secure the implementation of post-quantum communication protocols...

December 1, 2022

France transmits its first post-quantum cryptographic diplomatic message with CryptoNext

The French Embassy in the United States sent to Paris its first encrypted diplomatic message thanks to a new generation of so-called post-quantum cryptography, with the aim of withstanding the decryption capabilities of quantum computers. For this test, carried out during President Emmanuel Macron’s State visit to the United States, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs drew on the work of the startup CryptoNext Security...

October 17, 2022

CryptoNext Security selected for NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography Project

NIST's selection on July 5th, 2022, of first 4 post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms, while representing a key milestone towards world’s migration from classical public-key cryptography to the new PQC, raises multiple implementation questions on the “How To”. This led the National Cryptography Center of Excellence (NCCoE), NIST's collaborative hub for industry organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions to launch on July 15th, 2002, the “Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography Project” initiative. On October 17th, 2022, CryptoNext Security, only European industrial player to date, is proud and honored to announce that it was selected by NCCoE to join a prestigious consortium of 17 technology contributors along with Amazon Web Services, Cisco, Crypto4A Technologies, Dell, Digicert, IBM, InfoSec Global, ISARA Corporation, JP Morgan, Microsoft, Samsung SDS, Sandbox AQ, Thales DIS CPL USA Inc., Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies, VMWare and wolfSSL. The consortium will work on “initiating the development of practices to ease migration from the current set of public-key cryptography algorithms to replacement algorithms that are resistant to quantum-computer based attacks” through various experimentations, tools or publications. This is a recognition for CryptoNext Security’s know-how and reputation.


March 26, 2024

FIC 2024

Lille, France

CryptoNext Security is a partner of the FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum) tradeshow in Lille, France from March 26th to March 28th, 2024. Welcome to meet the team, exchange on the quantum threat, the post quantum transition path and discover our CryptoNext Quantum Safe Remediation Suite. Booth A4-21 - Hexatrust zone

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January 25, 2024

16th Annual Security Symposium of the European Commission


Jean-Charles Faugère, CTO and co-Founder of CryptoNext Security, was invited to speak on January 25th, 2024 at the 16th Annual Security Symposium of the European Commission.

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October 11, 2023

Les Assises de la Sécurité 2023

Espace Grimaldi, Monaco, France

Largest European cybersecurity business event (three days event in Monaco), with 10 000 business meetings, 120 experts and journalists, 140 workshops and conferences. CryptoNext Security hosted a workshop with Banque de France, providing a feedback on a series of experimentations with Deutsche Bundesbank.

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September 25, 2023

Quantum Business Europe

Porte Maillot, Paris, France

Christian d'Orival, Chief Revenue Officer of CryptoNext, was CryptoNext's spokesperson at Quantum Business Europe which annually gathers thousands of quantum technology professionals, working at BMW, Airbus... After giving a state of the art of Post-Quantum Cryptography, he focused on its industrialization process, referring himself to use cases.

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September 19, 2023

UECC 2023

Paris, France

CryptoNext Security is a proud member of Hexatrust (an association of French and European cybersecurity and trusted cloud professionals), which organizes annually the Universités d'Été de la Cybersécurité et du Cloud de confiance (UECC), with the aim of defining a new European digital ambition. Florent Grosmaitre and Christian d'Orival (CEO and CRO of CryptoNext) represented CryptoNext at this renowned event.

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June 14, 2023

Vivatech 2023

Porte de Versailles, Paris, France

Florent Grosmaitre and Jean-Charles Faugère (CEO and CTO of CryptoNext), were present at Vivatech 2023. Jean-Charles Faugère gave a presentation at the stand of Banque de France with Marc Fasquelle (Deputy Director for Digital Transformation at Banque de France). Florent Grosmaitre delivered a presentation at CryptoNext's stand.

See Event

April 5, 2023

FIC 2023

Lille, France

CryptoNext had a booth at the International FIC Exhibition dedicated to Cybersecurity where 120 exhibitors and over 2000 visitors were expected.

See Event

November 29, 2022


Porte de Versailles, Paris, France

Jean-Charles Faugère (Co-Founder & CTO CryptoNext) spoke about post-quantum cryptography and VPN IPSec solutions & experimentations.

See Event

November 15, 2022

European Cyber Week Conference

Rennes, France

Jean-Charles Faugère (CryptoNext) and Francois Bonnet (TheGreenBow) spoke on November 17th at 9am about post-quantum cryptography within networking protocols.

See Event

October 12, 2022

Les Assises de la Cybersécurité 2022

Espace Grimaldi, Monaco, France

Largest European cybersecurity business event with 9.400 business meetings, 164 exhibitors and 175 workshops and conferences. CryptoNext was awarded Les Assises 2022 Innovation Prize on Thursday 13th, 22 and hosted a PQC workshop with Banque de France experimentation feedback.

See Event

October 4, 2022


Geneva, Switzerland

Florent Grosmaitre, CEO of CryptoNext, spoke at Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland (QIDiS 2022) about post-quantum challenges for messaging applications. He presented the ID Quantique QRNG and CryptoNext’s PQC integrated solution for enterprise PQ application.

See Event

June 7, 2022

FIC 2022

Lille, France

CryptoNext did welcome visitors and partners on its booth at the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC/ICF) 2022 Exhibition, one of the largest exhibition dedicated to Cybersecurity.

See Event